Monday, August 25, 2014

are you suffering completely?sure?think again...

entah kurang bersyukur atau memang punya pemikiran yang selalu negatif, atau memang kenyataannya selalu seperti itu....yah,mana tau....
yang jelas sering sekali orang merasa dirinya yang paling menderita(tak terkecuali saya yes!wkwkwk).dari yang kok rasa-rasanya siaaaaallll terus,atau gagaaaaalllll terus dalam hal apapun membuat seseorang jadi sebel sendiri.kadang kepengennya apa kok yang didapatkan malah apa,nggak ngerti lah sama maksut yg ngasih ini hidup :p....
yang jelas tiap orang punya masalah yang beda-beda jenis dan tingkat kesulitannya.yah bukannya sok iyes apalagi sok tau (lho bedanya apa coba? -_-"),ada maksut tersendiri dibalik masalah yang dialami.tidak seketika sih taunya si maknya itu(wuzzz!!!),kadang taunya malah pas udah tidak begitu ingat masalahnya.atau bisa juga pas habis masalah itu selesai langsung tau,nek tau....kalo nggak tau yowes,,,hahaha!
cuman,kadang kita merasa orang lain lebih enak hidupnya daripada kita.padahal mana tau,itu orang hidupnya enak karena terikat kontrak yang bebannya sak-hohahoha.setelah kontrak habis,yowes antara lanjut atau berkahir....wkwkwkwk!
intinya,jangan pernah merasa diri sendiri paling berat masalahnya.melihat "keatas" itu memang selalu lebih mudah daripada melongok ke bawah sambil berpikir ulang: apa saya benar-benar sudah yang paling menderita dengan kehadiran si masalah?
kenapa juga masalah nggak habis-habis datang,kayak nggak bosen aja nimbrung di hidup orang tiap detik.sudah gitu dibanding-bandingkan pula sama masalah orang lain.dimana-mana yang ada tu membandingkan sesuatu yang menarik,bukan yang "begitu" :D...pokoknya selalu ada aja yang membuat diri sendiri sebel,dongkol,bahkan sampai sedih karena merasa diri sendiri sudah paling menderita atau mungkin dibandingkan masalahnya dengan orang lain.cepek dheeeeh dong deh yuk....
harus terus semangat+ga boleh putus asa,sedih/nangis/sambat(ngeluh) boleh tapi jangan kelamaan.jangan sampe dibilang orang nggak berguna karena kebanyakan masalah/nggak bisa selesaikan masalah/cari-cari masalah(??).jangan songon jg sih mentang2 masalahnya enteng/bahkan nggak ada masalah sama sekali,hehoheho.

p.s. sebenernya ini nulis apa yah?? :D :D :D absurd kayak yang punya blog #lmfao
(mau aplot video di blog gatot terus,ah yasudah tidur saja) :p

Friday, August 15, 2014

Saya,Hari Ini...

aloha! apa kabar? :D

it's been awhile that I rare almost never visit this page.It's not because I forget completely about this,but too many things to be told (meh!bad excuse).

well,it's true.a lot of things happened through this year.started from (mostly)last year and early of 2014.

my sibling's endless problem with some relatives which was actually not her problem but theirs.LOL
the details?I myself have no idea where to start if I'm asked to tell from the beginning.mostly it was about jealousy,envy, and so short it was a classic and not interesting stuff to be discussed.haha! :p

the bad news were those kind of things added with another annoying problems from one of my cousins.let's say it was a mother-daughter-son in law matters, which stacked into big big problems and (in my opinion)caused a nightmare to my dad.maybe it's not only him but for my family as well.he was attacked with quite dangerous stroke,apparently brought a ocuntless shit to he is unable to walk,sit,talk,hold something,eat,properly.the worst is that he can't do anything he likes,such as going out with us(my mom,my sister,and I),playing his favorite bass and music,chatting with us,taking care of his pet and plants, also driving us to everywhere we want.glad we have an incredibly good and I bet he is an angel sent by God to take care of my dad PROPERLY.he helps us keep my dad everyday and I feel like he is already a part of our family.that man should be blessed with wonderful life since he is very kind, nice, and funny!

now most of our(my mom,my sister, and I) time is only for my a normal kid wishing, I do hope he recovers soon so he is able to do those things he loves.I don't ask much,to be honest.if I had chance,I wished I could tell him that he shouldn't have thought about those problems.just let them(those annoying "trouble maker") thought about themselves and never disturbed others with their own sucks troubles.but I bet my dad would never think like that and remind me that I should do the kind for others.well,things are already happened and what I can do is just struggling for the best and facing what is exactly in front of me.LOL

I do really hope the nightmare ends soon.haha!
still have a lot of things to tell actually,but my eyes are getting heavier.tell you the rest,maybe tomorrow(already the next day)... :D

selamat malam,eh,dini hari semua! ^,^